You can build a better mousetrap

Posted on 16 November, 2015

Field Mouse

Talking to one of our farming clients, and reminded that at this time of year the mice come scurrying in from the fields – some warmth and shelter, very sensible.

Except homeowners tend not to be very welcoming. We would like to think that Homesitters’ clients have a below average mouse problem. Difficult to substantiate, but it seems a reasonable possibility. However, we do have reports of the occasional Mus musculus sharing assignments with our Homesitters, and they don’t like it (the Homesitters, that is; the mice tend to be more laid back and mellow).

When these unwelcome partnerships are brought to our attention, we recommend Little Nipper® traps. Yes, we would prefer the non-lethal, humane, mouse-friendly variety, but unfortunately the circumstances normally dictate prompt action – and we have found that the traditional Little Nipper® produces the quickest result, particularly if you use the best bait.

Opinions vary widely – most-quoted baits include cheese, Sugar Puffs® and raisins. Our farmer client (above) favours raisins – very attractive to mice, and have a long trap-life. But (he reports) some of the more trap-wise (or lucky) mice can pull the raisin up and off the pin. Cunning farmer recommends modifying the trap by removing the pin (easy with a pair of pliers) and replacing it with either a little dome-headed screw or (more convenient) a map pin – one of the ones with a large head. Apparently, this little modification is hugely successful, but tiresome for the mouse.


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