CatTime - Pet Theft Awareness Day: 4 Tips To Keep Your Cat From Getting Stolen

Posted on 14 February, 2024

Photo by Niklas Hamann on Unsplash

Written by PHILLIP MLYNAR for CatTime

February 14 isn’t just Valentine’s Day. It’s also Pet Theft Awareness Day — a day to make sure pet parents know about pet thieves and how to prevent theft of beloved furry family members.

Unfortunately, many pets are stolen to be used as bait in dog fighting rings, bred to make kittens or puppies to sell, or even flipped for profit. It’s very important that you take steps to keep your pet safe and in their forever home where they belong.

Help spread the word on Pet Theft Awareness Day so we can work together to prevent pets from being stolen. Here are four sensible precautions you can take to minimize the chances of someone making off with your cat.

Do you have any other prudent tips to help stop pet theft? Will you also help spread theft prevention tips for Pet Theft Awareness Day? Let PHILLIP MLYNAR and CatTime know in the comment section of their original article -

Tips To Help Prevent Pet Theft

1. Keep Your Cat Indoors

This can be a contentious issue with some cat parents, but if you value your cat's welfare and safety, making them an indoor-only cat can be one of the smartest steps you'll ever take.

The ASPCA recommends keeping your cat indoors, and statistics show that outdoor cats, on average, do not live as long as indoor cats.

2. If They Must Go Outside, Keep Your Cat Fenced In

Photo by Melanie Andersen on Unsplash

If you insist on granting your cat outdoor access, consider creating an enclosure or catio for them. That way, your cat can't wander off, and intruders can't get in.

Another option is to limit your cat's outdoor privileges by using a leash and harness. Regardless, you should always supervise outdoor play, whether you have an enclosure or not.

3. Get Your Cat Microchipped

If your cat is microchipped, that means there's more chance of being reunited with them if they should get lost or stolen.

Microchipping is not a GPS system like you might have on your cell phone, but if your cat gets taken, abandoned, and then rescued by a kindly stranger, any veterinarian or shelter will be able to read the microchip and discover your contact information.

Many police stations even have chip readers to reunite lost pets with their humans.

4. Keep Clear, Up-To-Date Photos

In the case of your cat being stolen, you'll want to place missing pet posters around the neighborhood and also post online to Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, and other social media groups that help find lost pets.

It's important to have clear and up-to-date photos of your cat, especially images showing any distinct markings on your kitty.


Phillip Mlynar spends his days writing about pets, music, and craft beer (and sometimes the overlap between them). He's won numerous awards at the annual Cat Writers' Association Communication Contest, some of which are proudly on display at his local dive bar.


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